Audio ↔ Text

Make your content work across different media

Skip time-heavy manual transcription and
get fast audio/text conversion to diversify your content.

Unlock (even more) value from your existing content

Often, there’s so much we can get out of content when transferred across media. Could that podcast be a blog? Would your employees respond better to spoken instructions rather than written ones? Could you get more mileage out of your CEO’s recent keynote speech? 

Unfortunately, resource-intensive transcription and audio recording get in the way of realizing this. That’s why we’ve created this AI speech/text conversion tool – use it to do the heavy lifting of converting your content into different formats so you can reap the rewards.

A range of personalization options

Your audio content needs to reflect your brand identity just as much as your written content. We offer a library of voices for our text to audio tool, which you can sample before you place your order. Simply choose the voice that would engage your audience the most and listen as your content is brought to life.

Work across the world

Our AI speech-text tool is proudly multilingual – you can convert audio to text (or vice versa) in English, French, Italian, Spanish, and more. This gives you ultimate flexibility to engage with markets across the world – and compatibility with multiple file types means minimal tech issues whilst doing so.

Compatible with multiple file types

Save time converting your PDFs to .docs or your .wavs to MP3s – our tool works with a comprehensive range of file types for ultimate flexibility.

Try before you buy

Sample our voice library before you make a purchase decision so that you know you’re getting a voice your audience will engage with.

Hit the ground running

Get your content out into the world quicker with fast (and sometimes instant!) turnaround times.

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